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Maghreb et Moyen-Orient : production d’énergie solaire en 2021 et 2022

Par Béatrice Mariais
Publié le 12/01/2024 • modifié le 12/01/2024 • Durée de lecture : 1 minutes

Crédits photo : This picture taken on October 18, 2022 shows a view of solar panels at the newly-inaugurated al-Kharsaah solar power plant in Qatar. Gas-rich Qatar inaugurated its first solar plant on October 18, which organisers of the World Cup have said will provide clean energy for its stadiums. The solar farm in al-Kharsaah, west of the capital, is "one of the biggest" in the Middle East according to the emirate’s energy minister. It was launched in 2016 in partnership with France’s TotalEnergies and Japan’s Marubeni as part of a broader push by Qatar — one of the world’s biggest producers of liquified natural gas — to invest in solar energy.
Ivan Pisarenko / AFP

Rang 2021 2022 Taux de croissance 2022
1 Emirats arabes unis 6.3 Israël 7.1 Qatar +4826.9%
2 Israël 5.4 Emirats arabes unis 7 Oman +74.7%
3 Egypte 5.1 Egypte 5 Israël +32.6%
4 Maroc 1.8 Oman 1.5 Iran +18.3%
5 Arabie saoudite, Oman 0.8 Maroc 1.4 Irak +12.1%
6 Algérie 0.7 Arabie saoudite 0.8 Emirats arabes unis +11.3%
7 Iran 0.6 Algérie, Iran 0.7 Algérie +2.7%
8 Irak 0.4 Qatar 0.4 Arabie saoudite +0.1%
9 Koweït 0.2 Irak 0.4 Koweït 0%
10 Qatar <0.05 Koweït 0.2 Egypte -1%
Maroc -20.5%

Sources : BP Statistical Rewiew of World Energy 06/2022 et Statistical Rewiew of World Energy, Energy Institute 26/06/2023

Publié le 12/01/2024

Béatrice Mariais est agrégée de géographie et professeur dans un collège.



Arabie Saoudite

Energie solaire